
Video: Test automation maturity — A Self Assessment Tool

Redactie: Rob van Steenbergen

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Het TestNet najaarsevenement dit jaar was volledig online om de bekende redenen. Het voordeel hiervan is dat alles is opgenomen en dus ook nog even rustig later te bekijken.

We geven elke week een videopresentatie vrij van het najaarsevenement.

Testautomation Maturity – A Self Assessment Tool

Spreker: Prof. Serge Demeyer

With the rise of Agile development and the adoption of continuous integration, the software industry has seen an increasing interest in test automation. Many organizations invest in test automation but fail to reap the expected benefits, most likely due to a lack of test automation maturity. In this talk, we present the results of a test automation maturity survey collecting responses of 151 practitioners coming from 101 organizations in 25 countries. We make observations regarding the state of the practice and provide a benchmark for assessing the maturity of an Agile team.

The benchmark resulted in a self-assessment tool for practitioners. An alfa version will be presented at the TESTNET event The research underpinning the survey has been conducted through the TESTOMAT project, a European project with 34 partners coming from six different countries.

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